Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy 14th Birthday Brooklyn!!

14 years ago today our family grew +1! Amanda Brooklyn Frisby was born...and we have not been the same sense. :)

Some of my Favorite stories of her growing up are:

1) when she was about 3 and potty training, she DID NOT want to wash her hands. Not sure why, but there you go. She walked out of the bathroom, and Grandma Kay asked, "Did you wash your hands?"
Now, grandma Kay was not born yesterday, and knew she had not heard the water running. "You know, Jesus sees everything you do."
Booklyn stopped back into the bathroom mumbling..."That Jesus isn't a very nice man."

2) I took her to lunch once. She wanted McDonalds- I said no. We tried Barry's. She pulled her food out looked at the patty and informed me that her's was burnt. I told her that no, they are just the grill marks.. it makes them good, try it.
I then hear a little mumble from the back seat (not intended to reach my ears) "McDonalds makes a perfect cheeseburger."

3)From a very early age, B has been artistic. In fact people used to tell her this and she would go crying to Denise because she thought they were meaning she was AUtistic.

4)When she was in about 3rd grade her school sent home an invitation for her to join PALS... Brooklyn cried because she thought that she was not doing well in school, but actually she was so smart that they were inviting her to join an advanced group!

5)The day she got to announce that she was officially a published author! (this is something I am certain will happen again many times in the future) :)

I LOVE that you are so creative, artistic, and amazingly kind hearted. You are going to change the world someday and I feel so blessed that for some unknown reason I have been given a front row seat in your life to watch it!
Never change, never give up, and never never forget how much you are loved!
-Aunt Dawney

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