Last Sunday my family all got together to go through Lehman Caves in Nevada. Fun!
Our tour was scheduled for 9:30...anyone see a problem with that?
1-It's a 3 hour drive to get there
2-It's an AM tour that you cannot be late for
3-It's MY family (it's not like I picked up my late habit all on my lonesome people)
I was a little worried- truth be told, I think that my parents were too. However, WE ARE AMAZING!!!
I feel like it should be documented somewhere for posterity folks....
(if you're standing you may want to sit for this...)
I know, I know- I have just shattered your reality, but stay with me folks... I have pics to show:

Almost the entire Stock clan (sans Dawney-I was taking the picture, Parker- he was sick- poor little guy, Gary- who was sitting with Parker in the car (good Dad!),-and Cooper- who made fuss in the cave so we left him there... ha ha ha)

The Mountain that covers the Cave

Listening to our guide (Scott) tell us about Lehman Caves

Parker at the entrance

Steps in the Music room (pretty tall). At first I thought it was called this because it looks like the pipes of an organ- but they actually used to hit the different formations with a hammer and they made musical notes! As you can imagine, it damaged some of the formations over the years so they no longer do that.

Maddie- gotta love those eyes!

more from The Music room

I liked this little heart along the way

The Gothic Cathedral room

Kim and Hunter on some steps leading into the Lodge room

Soda straws (hollow)

While we were listening to Scott tell us more about he cave, Hunter stood right under a drip

This is the hallway leading up from the Lodge room to the great outdoors


Shane and Nan looking like they are trying to figure something out..

Richard couldn't wait for lunch to be set up so he snagged a bag of chips- yes we all saw you! ;0)

Sierra (who is an amazing photographer's assistant btw)

Saydie Boo- look at that smile!

Maddie- always willing to pose

Hunter, Sierra, and Brooklyn goffin' off

Hunter and Brianne

Corbin loves Cheezy Chips!!

I still have a few more pictures to post, I'll post them later on... :)