Thursday, September 2, 2010


I met with Lincoln, Yvonne, and their family on a Monday morning. I was so excited to be able to shoot their family pictures. Yvonne's parent's were in town visiting and they wanted to document their visit.
Because they were only here for a couple of weeks, and I still have a real job on the 4th (cuz a girls gotta pay her dues before she makes it big the the photo world-right?)that keeps me hostage during those buttery hours of evening that were CREATED for photographers....we had to shoot in the morning.

I learned A LOT on this shoot.
1)There truly is a reason that photographers do not shoot between 10 and 2. The lighting is just wrong. Too harsh. Too many shadows. Too hot (lighting look not temp necessarily).
2)I don't think I'm a tri-pod girl. I know that most "professionals" use tripods to get those tack sharp photos, but I feel like it only hampers my ability to shoot from where I want. I understand that this decision will equate to my practicing the art of holding a firm stance, but it will be well worth the effort.
3)Kids are so much fun to shoot. Their energy and laughter make the session fun, unpredictable, and challenging (in a good way).
4)Don't be afraid to direct people. Let them be their natural self, but show them where to go. They don't see the whole "picture" the way I do through my lens.
and the most important lesson.....
check your ISO.

That's right folks, I shot out in the harsh sunlight rockin an 800 ISO because I forgot to change it from my niece's birthday party two days earlier.
It makes me sick to know that although I am okay with the pictures I caught, they could have been so much better.
I know that the whole reason I am doing my "come one, come all" free shoots is to learn, learn, learn. But that doesn't make it any less painful when you hand a disc to someone knowing that you dropped the proverbial ball.

Lincoln and Yvonne-
Next time your wonderful parents are here to visit- call me. I will make the time to shoot your amazingly adorable family in the best time of the evening, I will meticulously check my settings, and the photos you receive will be so much better. Thank you so much for being willing to be guinea pigs in this little adventure of mine. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

Lucky for me there is really no way to get a bad shot of such a cute family!

